Muralo Fire Retandart

Muralo 1500 Fire Retardant Latex Flat Paint

An Intumescent type, Class-A rated fire retardant coating specially designed to protect and decorate flammable and non-flammable surfaces. When subject to open flame or high heat, it forms a protective blanket between the fire and the substrate, which impedes the spread of flames and insulates the surface from the high heats that cause structural collapse and spontaneous combustion. Thus, it provides extra time needed to reach safety. Muralo’s Fire Retardant Latex Flat Paint has been independently tested and certified by Underwriter’s Laboratories, Inc., in accordance with the requirements of Fire Hazard Classification of Building Materials. Its advanced formula offers high quality, high hiding, excellent washability, and above all reliability. It is suitable for use on all interior surfaces. Dries in approximately one hour to an attractive matte finish.

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